Megan’s Wig Stand

The  woodturning club that I belong to has an ongoing charitable effort going on to make wig stands that can be given to cancer patients.  I’ve posted a couple of posts showing ones that I’ve made already, but don’t intend to post every single one.  That would get as boring to look at as it will become making them over and over and over…  This one is different.  I turned a wig stand out of douglas fir, which I had never used before.  When it was done, it looked ok, but there really wasn’t anything about the wood that was worth looking at.  Straight grain, no inclusions, nothing.  One step above looking at a 2×4.  The only thing I could think of to make it look less boring was paint.  Lots and lots of paint!

I remembered my daughter Megan and her history (compulsion?) of doodling on herself.  Since junior high school, if she has a ball point pen, some time, and a sense of boredom, she’ll start coloring.  Usually up her arm, across her hand, or if she had a pair of jeans on that looked like they needed embellishment, across her pants.  We would always yell at her and tell her to stop, but I have to admit that some of the stuff she came up with was pretty cool looking!  Kinda looked like Indian henna designs, but with a different flare.

I asked her if she’d like to do one of her doodles on a wig stand and she agreed.  Below is the final product that she came up with.  WOW!  Megan did a FANTASTIC job!

I’m sure the person who gets it will appreciate the artwork.  What was even cooler to me, was that my daughter and I collaborated on making something that actually turned out very nice!  Hopefully, this is the first of many to come…

Imagine coming home from work and finding your daughter spent all of study hall making her arm look eerily similar to this! Looks fantastic on a wig stand, not so much on an arm…
She even did under the top.

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