Olivia’s segmented bowl #2

When my third grandchild was born, I was reminded of the tradition I had started of making a bowl for them.  Earlier this spring, I detailed the issues I was having making one bowl, when a mental lapse and bad math skills left me with three segmented bowls, any one of which could have been good enough to give to my newest grand daughter.  (http://www.toonturning.com/?p=990)

I finally got around to finishing the second bowl.  This one took awhile, because the bottom segmented ring didn’t come together in the middle, leaving a little jagged, round hole right in the center.  I could either make another layer for the bottom of the bowl, or do something to patch the hole.  Either work work, but neither felt like the right thing to do, so the half finished project set in the corner.

Today, while looking at the stack of unfinished projects, I got a combination of shame over my laziness in having so many and embarrassment over some of them that really are too ugly to finish.  When I saw the second segmented bowl for Olivia, it suddenly hit me that if I added another layer on the bottom, the bowl would be way too tall for the width of the bowl, so the only option I had was to plug the hold.  Then I realized I had an oak dowel rod that I bought for another project and the end grain pattern on the oak would actually look pretty good.  Twenty minutes later, the second bowl was finished.  I still have the delemma of  keeping it, or giving it away…

side view. it looks like a crack in the rim, but that’s just coloration within the wood.
top view. The plug for the hole in the bottom turned out really nicely on this one.

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