Crinkly fall paper bowl

While I was looking for office supplies to use/abuse for the bowl for my secretary, I happened to see an end cap display for some holiday decorations.  There, just above the plastic cornucopia, was a bag of tightly crinkled paper in fall colors.  I stared at it for awhile, trying to figure out what the intended purpose was for a whole bag of wadded up, yet colorful, paper strips.  There has to be a market for this stuff, since someone obviously took the time to make a special “cut and crinkle machine” to mass produce it.  But, why?  Is there some kind of fall celebration, like a mid year Easter, that would require stuff like this to make filler for a basket?  Do pet hamsters get some kind of seasonal depression that can be cured by adding crinkled paper in festive fall colors to their bedding?  Maybe (since the default interior design move seems to be to stuff a hurricane glass with something made in holiday colors, then stuff a candle in the middle) this was made for a specific niche audience.

I just wondered what it would look like, soaked in resin.

The “look”, totally changes!  The bright, festive, holiday colors get dark and not so festive.  It doesn’t exactly look like it would fit in with a Martha Stewart inspired celebration around a perfectly carved turkey, candied yams, cranberry chutney, a complimentary wine, and happy conversation with extended family.  It looks more like a gloomy, somewhat depressed version of thanksgiving, where everyone’s eating canned turkey, boxed potatoes, stolen apples from the neighbor’s tree, a whole case is Falstaff, and trying hard no to slip up and mention what happened to Uncle Joe’s parole officer.

Maybe I’ll just put a candle inside of it and stuff it inside a hurricane glass…

Side view. This was taken with as much light as I could find to help bring out the colors. Still looks like a muddy, chocolate mess.
Top view. You can kinda see how the color was supposed to look, and the clearness of the resin should have allowed light to come through. Still just looks like a gloomy mess…



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