January 24th – second demo wig stand

The wig stand from the second video was also a plain piece of poplar. As I was turning the spindle for this one, I was thinking about the last wood burning project I’d just completed, and wanted to do more. One of the demos that I’d seen showed a guy who had made his own tips for the soldering gun style out of extra brass tips. I took one, hollowed it out so it made a half dome, and waded into the next project. I wanted to burn a whole bunch of individual flowers, using this new tip to make the center of the flowers, but I wanted them to look like they were stacked, some on top of the other, and some standing alone. After the first three hours, I started to think that I’d chosen a MUCH too ambitious project. At the 5 hour mark, I was pretty sure the feeling that my fingers were on fire was going to be permanent. After a total of about 10 hours of burning, I had accomplished what I’d set out to do and was feeling pretty proud of myself. Here’s what it looked like after the burning was done.

The coloring process went much, much smoother! Using three different india inks, I tried to “stack” the colors so it looked kinda like each layer of flowers that had dropped were from a different plant. Overall, I really, REALLY hope whoever gets this one can at least appreciate the amount of work it took to make this one.

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